
Showing posts from 2020

The first step for starting coding

Coding  when someone here about this world people think that it's not our part of the job , but I suggest you should try once if you feel it interesting the definitely you will enjoy learning it. The Basic and easiest part is to learn java language . So I'm here to tell you the first step of coding that is downloading java and it's corresponding software. The hills of java! Everyone would be curious or rather confused why I gave the Heading as hills of java so lets find out why I named it so..... The Most difficult part is downloading java I THINK SO ! for that the we need is a good working internet to download 😂😂. The first hurdle of downloading: Go to oracle website and create a new account on their website, next thing is write download JDK (Java Development Kit) in the search option. Download JDK and then open command prompt in your device and type : java -version After writing this you wil se the version yo have downloaded . * If you can't see the same then change